
Improving team development in the remote age

Gamification is a popular word among us L&D nerdz. Yes, I consider myself a learnerd. Let’s make that a thing. In all honesty, gamification isn’t anything new or special. BUT, it works.  Growing up, I made up little games to help my, much younger and more handsome, brother with his homework.

In the #futureofwork we have research, data and AI to back up my own self theory and when applied from a business perspective we can strategically measure ROI, team/individual effectiveness, and psychological development to create agile and high performing teams. In this episode, I get the chance to sit down and chat with CEO and Founder of Aeqlia, Oussama “Ouss” Labib about his mission to make virtual team video calls suck less through a highly interactive game based learning platform that tackles remote work struggles through a collaborative focused lens to bring about change and improvement across all organizations.

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