
More than just a game

Miki Island combines the Group Development Questionnaire® and Susan Wheelan’s Integrated Model of Group Development for better learning and business outcomes.

Business Impact of High Performing Teams & Power of collective Intelligence

Backed by studies such as Wheelan (1998, 2003) and Jacobson (2014) from GDQ Associates, our research partner, we know that High Performing & Agile Teams deliver business impact:

  • Have more satisfied customers and managers (Wheelan, 1998)

  • Have more surviving patients in intensive care (Wheelan, 2003)

  • Have members that experience higher level of work satisfaction and lower level of emotional exhaustion (Jacobson, 2014)

  • Produce more goods in the manufacturing industry (Wheelan & Furbur, 2006)

  • Manage money better in the financial sector (Wheelan, 2005)

  • Have a greater ability to adopt to agile ways of working (Gren, 2017)

the Team development process.
Research-based methodology

The Integrated Model of Group Development (IMGD) by Susan Wheelan provides a comprehensive framework for understanding the evolution of groups and maturity of teams. The IMGD offers insights into how groups can navigate challenges, build cohesion, and ultimately enhance their performance. It serves as a valuable guide for leaders and members alike in fostering effective group dynamics and achieving shared objectives

Miki Island experiential learning program is a great way to practice teamwork for performance improvement. The combination of doing and reflecting as well as being both concrete and theoretical is promising for learnings about team development!

Christian Jacobsson

Head of Research, GDQ Associates

 The challenges the teams face in Miki Island reflect their work challenges!

Each player in the game has a specific role and set of responsibilities.

Defined team roles improve task allocation and efficiency.

The game stresses the value of a shared vision (survival) and goals (reaching the rescue point), which create unity and purpose crucial to team success.

Miki Island's "stop & reflect" moments create a safe space for team discussion.

It builds trust, encourages sharing ideas, and improves problem-solving.

Teamwork is crucial to survival on Miki Island.

This is reflective of the real world, where the efforts of every member are crucial to the team’s performance.

Miki Island needs the team to communicate and make quick decisions.

This translates to having efficient communication channels, collaborative tools, and regular feedback.

The game encourages team decision-making to achieve their goal.

At work, team members feel ownership and commitment to the set goals when they make decisions together.

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