
Boosting Performance: Expected Outcomes!

Miki Island boosts business performance, engages your team, and brings a smile to everyone’s face.

Trusted By Hundreds of Amazing companies!

What to expect? Business Impact & ROI

Backed by studies such as Wheelan  and Jacobson from GDQ Associates, our research partner, we know that High Performing Teams deliver business impact:

  • Have more satisfied customers and managers (Wheelan, 1998)
  • Have more surviving patients in intensive care (Wheelan, 2003)
  • Have members that experience higher level of work satisfaction and lower level of emotional exhaustion (Jacobson, 2014)
  • Produce more goods in the manufacturing industry (Wheelan & Furbur, 2006)
  • Manage money better in the financial sector (Wheelan, 2005)
  • Have a greater ability to adopt to agile ways of working (Gren, 2017)

Miki Island Gallery!

See for yourself the smiles, celebrations, pride and engagement from previous participants

Blog, Success Stories & Miki Island Love

Customers and partners love Miki Island for its ability to bring teams together and improve leadership skills through fun gameplay and practical lessons, leading to real-world success and lasting impact.

Miki Island Sponsors the Agile Tour Lausanne 2024

VISEO: Building a culture of excellence and quality!

Pepsico: Accelerating the performance of Management & Leadership Team

AB Tasty: Building Agile & High Performing Team!

Carta: Offering a fun and impactful activity to kick start the conversation on team performance

Miki Island: program demo, learning outcomes, gameplay

The use of game-based learning to create behavior change

Introduction to the IMGD Model x GDQ and Miki Island

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