
Certified Partner

Certified partners are the backbone of our Miki Island ecosystem, entrusted with the vital role of delivering and selling our innovative learning solution.

These dedicated partners embody our vision of fostering agile and high-performing teams, bringing Miki Island to diverse organizations around the globe. With their deep understanding of client needs and industry dynamics, solutions partners serve as trusted advisors, tailoring Miki Island to address unique challenges and objectives.

Together, we forge enduring relationships and drive tangible business outcomes, empowering teams to embark on transformative journeys of growth and success.


The Certified Partner Program gives Partners access to benefits, rewards and resources that help them create new business opportunities and differentiate themselves in their market. For instance:

  • Expand market reach
  • Enhance current solution portfolio
  • Create new revenue streams (longer program for team coaching or new solution)
  • Connect and stay inspired with a vibrant Miki Island community

Program requirement

Each year, the Miki Island team selects partners based on four criteria. Based on the tier our partner belongs to, various benefits are unlocked.

New Partners

New Partners enter the program at the Lagoon Aficionado and are given 6 months from their start date to meet the requirements of the Silver level.

Become a Certified Partner Today and join...

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