
More than just a game

Miki Island combines the Group Development Questionnaire® and Susan Wheelan’s Integrated Model of Group Development for better learning and business outcomes.

Christian Jacobsson
Head of Research, GDQ Associates

Maria Akerlund
CEO, GDQ Associates AB

Oussama Labib
CEO & Founder, Aeqlia & Miki Island

Miki Island is made possible through a collaboration between GDQ Associates AB, leading research company and aeqlia, a digital learning company.

Our ambition is clear, provide leaders, organizations and teams the best of all worlds: a fun, collaborative and engaging learning experience based on proven research and methodology to improve their performance on-the-job for business impact.

Both available face-to-face or digitally, Miki island bridges the gap between theory and practice.

The game has been designed with specific learning outcomes in mind and reflect real-life challenges teams face in the workplace. In addition, the team’s performance in Miki Island is directly connected to their ability to demonstrate and apply the behaviors and characteristics of high performing & agile teams!

The Business Impact of High Performing Teams

Backed by studies such as Wheelan (1998, 2003) and Jacobson (2014) from GDQ Associates, our research partner, we know that High Performing & Agile Teams deliver business impact:

  • Have more satisfied customers and managers (Wheelan, 1998)

  • Have more surviving patients in intensive care (Wheelan, 2003)

  • Have members that experience higher level of work satisfaction and lower level of emotional exhaustion (Jacobson, 2014)

  • Produce more goods in the manufacturing industry (Wheelan & Furbur, 2006)

  • Manage money better in the financial sector (Wheelan, 2005)

  • Have a greater ability to adopt to agile ways of working (Gren, 2017)

Ready to try Miki Island?

Secure your spot in our next demo workshop!

Our Team development approach
Research-based methodology

The Integrated Model of Group Development (IMGD) by Susan Wheelan provides a comprehensive framework for understanding the evolution of groups and maturity of teams. The IMGD offers insights into how groups can navigate challenges, build cohesion, and ultimately enhance their performance. It serves as a valuable guide for leaders and members alike in fostering effective group dynamics and achieving shared objectives

the 10 characteristics of high Performing Teams

Some people think focusing on team development is a waste of time, but it does make a difference to the bottom line. Research studies have identified 10 key characteristics of high performing teams that each team members should pay attention to in order to ensure group productivity.








decision making



Designed with a research company

Miki Island is more than just a game. It integrates the Group Development Questionnaire® and Integrated Model of Group Development from Susan Wheelan’s research to ensure higher learning effectiveness and business impact.

Miki Island experiential learning program is a great way to practice teamwork for performance improvement. The combination of doing and reflecting as well as being both concrete and theoretical is promising for learnings about team development!

Christian Jacobsson Head Of Research, GDQ Associates (Research Partner)

The journey brought the regional team together and created an inclusive and connective tissue between colleagues. It was a very immersive and energizing journey to facilitate our teams’ key learnings of high performing teams, inclusive collaboration and agile decision making all for performance improvement back at work!


I am impressed by the amount of real work-life value teams have taken from this journey. Not only it was interesting, but it’s applicable. The set of changes in behavior and attitudes initiated have boosted the agile growth and performance of our teams.

Bram De Block Global Agile Lead, Skyline Communications​

Engaging and hands-on, Miki Island is a concrete experience, devoid of abstraction or theory, offering all the essential elements of real-life scenarios. It highlights common pitfalls: unclear objectives or misalignment within teams, the importance of understanding individual roles and the necessity for collaboration to maximize team effectiveness, unexpected challenges, such as a sudden hurricane, mirroring the unpredictability of real-world situations. Miki Island assesses the team's agility and collaborative spirit during crises, showcasing the relevance and applicability of its lessons to real-life scenarios.

Bhavik Vashi Managing Director, Carta
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